Here are a few simple couple ground rules that help us manage this site for you where everyone benefits something and the group improves as a group.
The Simple rules:
B) Be seen and share
C) All songs are good
D) Respect the artists
What these rules mean:
A) RSVP: Be courteous and RSVP to the events — let the organizer/assistant organizer if you’d be able to make the next event, or not (or even maybe). A basic premise when you joined is that you wanted to learn the ukulele, share what you know on the ukulele with others, or improve how you play this wonderful instrument. The ukulele can be as much as a social instrument, in as much as our club socially connects people with similar interests. Additionally, it allows the host(s) of our events to plan for enough seats, copies of instructional songs/music, and attending members making enough copies of songs that they want to share (within limits of fair use laws).
B) Be seen and share:
- 3 months no response/attendance — get bumped. Warnings would be sent at 2, 3, and upcoming 4 months. Usually, most members respond to the warnings, no response is interpreted as not interested. After 3 non-responses, the organizer or assistant organizer may drop a member from the membership unless prior arrangements have been made with the organizer or assistant organizer. This will provide the membership a list of members they can turn to for help with learning more songs, techniques, chord voicings, or just getting together to jam.
- 4 months of no attendance — get bumped. If you joined a ‘events’ group, there is a basic assumption that you want to attend events. After 4 months of not attending any event, the basic assumption will be you have other interests or intentions.
- Exceptions. There are exceptions to this and can be addressed with the organizers on a case-by-case basis. This is a highly energized and diverse area with many members having job commitments that might take them out of the area repeatedly or for extended periods. We even have some out of state special guests because of what they can contribute to the overall group. Talk to the organizers.
C) All songs are good: Be courteous of the person who is sharing a song on the ukulele. We will try to have a song circle each event where each person has the chance to share a song or pass. Not everyone plays the same style or genre of songs and we all might learn something new. Some are just learning, some are learning new styles, and some are even teach style(s).
D) Respect the artists: Plagerism or copyright violations are bad — but if properly done, we can share the artist’s music for educational purposes (see “fair use laws”). Do not put copyrighted material that specifically prohibits copying in any form on our site. This material will be bumped by organizer or assistant organizer. Some copyrighted material, when appropriately marked, may be posted for educational purposes only. If you have questions whether it meets fair use, email the organizers and if they do not know, they will find out.